
Membership categories 

(i) Patron

A person who pays Rs.5000/- or more in lump sum to the organization and whose association with the organization is deemed by the Executive Committee helpful for the promotion of the objectives of the organization shall be invited by the Executive Committee to be its patron. Constitution A (ii) of Article (61 shall not apply to this category of membership.

(ii) Life Member

A Person who pays Rs. 1000/- in lump sum to the organization shall be invited by the Executive Committee to become a Life Member of the organization.

(iii) Ordinary Member

A Person whose application for membership is approved by the Executive Committee shall become ordinary Member of the organization on payment of an annual membership fee of Rs. 100/-

(iv) Associate Member

Any agency registered under the Voluntary Social. Welfare Agencies (Registration. and Control Ordinance. 1961. subscribing to the aims and objects of the organization. subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, can become its Associate Member on payment of an annual membership fee of Rs. 100/-

(v) Affiliated Member

Any agency registered under the Ordinance of 1961 paying Rs.200/- per annum as affiliation fee and subscribing to the aims and objects of the organization can become an affiliated member subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The affiliated agency shall nominate two persons as ordinary members of the organization.

(vi) Honorary Member

A Person who has rendered eminent service to the cause of Social Welfare and Co-operates actively with the organization may be nominated as Honorary Member by the Executive committee of the organization. He shall not be required to pay any membership fee. Condition A(il) of Article (6) shall not apply to this category of membership.

(vii) Co-opted Member

The Executive Committee can co-opt Member (s) for Special purpose (s).

Procedure for Membership

Procedure for Admission of Membership 

  1. Persons who fulfill the condition laid down under Article 6-B may be invited by the Executive Committee to become Patron of the Organization.
  2. Life Members and Ordinary Members Persons having qualification as laid down in Article 6 (A) and desirous to become life member or ordinary member shall apply on prescribed form of the organization. to the Executive Committee which shall have the power to accept or reject any such application. A person shall become life member or ordinary member only after payment of the prescribed fee.
  3. Associate Member and Affiliated Member Any agency who fulfills the conditions laid down under Article 6-B (IV&V) can applv to the Executive Committee of the organization to become Associate Member or Affiliated Member which shall have the power to accept or reject any such. application. The agency shall become Associated Member or Affiliated Member only after payment of prescribed fee.
  4. Honorary Member and Co-opted, Member Honorary Member and Co-opted Member shall be nominated by the Executive Committee of the organization.

Procedure of Rejection

  1. Persons whose applications for membership are rejected by the Executive Committee can apply again after a lapse of six months.
  2. The application rejected second time by the The Executive Committee shall be put-up before the General Body for consideration giving reasons for rejection.
  3. A Person whose application has been rejected by the Executive Committee will have the right to appeal to the v General B o d whose decision shall be final.

Rights and Privileges of Members

(i) Following Categories of members shall have the right to vote and take part in the meetings functions of the organization and hold office in it:-

  1. Life Members
  2. Ordinary Members 
  3. Affiliated Members

(ii) Following categories of members shall NOT have the right to vote or hold office but can participate in the meeting and function of the organization:

  1. Patrons
  2. Associate Members 
  3. Honorary Members. 
  4. Co-opted Members.

(iii) Members who have not cleared their dues by the due date will not have the right to vote or seek election or participate in any activity of the organization.